Servicing & Repairs

Does your brass, woodwind, or percussion instrument need some tender loving care? Then our team is there to provide it for you. Our general services will keep your instrument running smoothly

  • Brass general service: Minor service $70 major service $150, dent removal P.O.A.
  • Minor service: strip and clean instrument internally, oil valves, slides, grease tuning slides, reassemble, test and polish
  • Major Service, as above plus minor dent removal, case disinfection, replace water key corks and felts as needed
  • Woodwind general service: Minor $70 Major $150 major repairs P.O.A.
  • Minor service: oil keys, align key work and clearances, test pads, disinfect mouthpiece and instrument, test and clean
  • Major Service: Disassemble instrument, clean and oil rods, check and replace pads if needed, disinfect mouthpiece, reapply clearance corks, disinfect case reassemble, test and clean
  • Other repairs: P.O.A.
  • Percussion repairs: P.O.A.
  • Electronics (Amplifiers, Guitars, Keyboards, etc): P.O.A. (NOTE: repairs to these instruments/equipment are performed by a licensed electrician).